129823661865781250_877Virus name: X97M_Laroux.A alias: Laroux, Laroux.A Diablo 3 CD-KEY, XM_Laroux virus characteristics: Laroux is the first macro viruses written for MS Excel. When the virus-infected document is opened, the macro Check_files is wake and PERSONAL. XLS is infected. Infection in other files when they are active, the file properties section, in the title, subject, author, keywords and content are clean. The virus is not destructive, macro is not a user of it hidden, you can use the Excel macro tools | option to find it. In addition to copying, the virus is not significant. It infected Excel worksheetsCreate a Personal hidden worksheets SWTOR CD-key, infected file contains the module Laroux, worksheet contains infected macros "Auto_Open" and "check_files". The virus will install an infected document to the XLSTART folder, and any folders in XLSTART ExcelDocuments are loaded when you start Excel virus. If XLSTART named PERSONAL.XLS file path already exists SWTOR Power Leveling, the virus does not infected the system. The other news around this topic :

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